Camera Lucida

Price: $9.99


Graphics & Design
Peter Moeykens
9.3 or later


Yes, this app will help you draw like a pro!

Whether you're drawing on paper with a pencil, or cookies with royal icing, Camera Lucida will help you become a better artist.

Be sure to read the reviews and the functionality you get with Camera Lucida! There are lots of competitors, but no other app comes anywhere close to matching the functionality you get with 12 years of software development and refinement!

Unlike hundreds of apps that enable you to create digital art, Camera Lucida instead enables you to create amazing physical art! Our app works by having your iPhone or iPad's camera pointed at your drawing surface. By watching your screen as you draw, you will be able to to see your reference image superimposed with your drawing - guiding your hand as little or as much as you want while you create your art. Better than a projector, easier to use than an expensive camera lucida, and more versatile than a light table, Camera Lucida has been fine-tuned for over a decade to provide artists with the features they need to be accurate and creative.

For over a century, artists have made use of the camera lucida optical device to superimpose a live view of their subject onto their drawing or painting surface. Allowing the artist to trace what they see in front of them, the camera lucida is an invaluable aid in creating a lifelike and realistic drawing. Truly a camera lucida for the 21st century!

With our Camera Lucida iPhone/iPad application, artists and non-artists alike can now draw anything they have a photo of. When looking at your screen, you'll be able to simultaneously see the image you want to draw as well as your drawing surface as you create your work of art. Camera Lucida isn’t a projector, instead the app shows you a virtual image and you draw by watching your paper and hand on the screen as you draw! It’s really clever and cool!

With over 12 years of continuous development, Camera Lucida's functionality eclipses the competition. Check out these features:
- Advanced image filters to help you see with an artist's eye.
- Multi-device support to enable you to stream live video of your drawing to a second device. *Requires iOS 10.3 or higher to receive hosted video. Also, newer devices are recommended due to the processing requirements.*
- Support for saving and restoring sessions, including automatically realigning your camera, sketch and reference image.
- Full color palette control, including using your own paints, markers, etc.
- Use any camera on your device and adjust for tilted and mirrored setups manually, or use an in-app purchase do do it automatically.
- Secondary video feed support to enable you to draw from a live subject, not just a photograph. *Requires iOS 10.3 or higher to receive hosted video.*
- Time-lapsed recordings of you creating your drawing you can share on social media.
- Support for external bluetooth keyboards to aid in creating large art through mirroring your display.
- Advanced tools such as vertical split screen sliders, timed image fading in and out, etc.
- A projector mode that can be used when you’re using the app with a projector.
- Video tutorials you can watch from within the app or from YouTube.
- A full user manual available from within the app.
- Customer support that you can count on and an active user community for inspiration.

To use our application, you just place your iPhone or iPad between your drawing surface and your eyes and trace what you see on the screen!

IMPORTANT: To use Camera Lucida, you need to fix your iPhone or iPad in place above your drawing. We use a stack of books or a flower vase to do this. Tutorials are included in the app to help you get started. Also, some advanced functions such as receiving the multi-device video feed require iOS 10.3 or higher.

Contact: [email protected]



What's New

Wow! Wow! Wow! It keeps getting better!
Version 15.3 brings support for iOS 16.x and Apple's new front center landscape camera found on the new iPad 10!

With version 15.3 you can now use multiple iOS devices at the same time and stream the video from one device to another! (Requires iOS 10.3 or higher to receive video.) With this capability you can easily create enormous art, even murals. Or perhaps you just want to draw more comfortably with your large iPad screen in front of you and your iPhone's camera poised about your drawing surface. It's up to you!

If you are on the fence about which drawing app to get, be sure to read the functionality list and the reviews! No other app comes close!

Version 15.3 also contains many changes to take advantage of iOS 16 features.

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    Date: 2023-08-01 10:11 Version:15.3  For iOS 16 For iOS 15 For iOS 14 For iOS 13 For iOS 12 
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Graphics & Design
Peter Moeykens
9.3 or later