Solar Consult

Price: Free


Sander Haanappel
38.4 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


The first independent tool to compare solar panels!

Is your roof suitable for the installation of solar panels? What is the optimal setup and which type of solar panel suits best at your roof? The App Solar Consult can give you the answers directly.

With this standard version you can change the characteristics of one extra solar panel and change the value of the sun angle in the winter. The setting will influence the distance between the rows and the required surface on a flat roof.

The orientation meter works like a compass that will display the deviation from the South (or North). You can put the phone on the roof or hold it against the ceiling. In addition, the inclination of the roof will be measured.

If you are considering installing solar panels, the App can help you in your research whether your roof is suitable for solar panels. The App shows whether there falls enough sunlight on your roof and whether it is worth to install solar panels. You can enter an address or display your current location.

You can enter the details of your roof and the App will calculate for your roof with multiple types of solar panels the maximum output in the tab ‘Characteristics roof’.

Also, the required surface of solar panels on pitched and flat roofs are displayed. The App displays the length of the shadow behind a row of solar panels.

Roadmap to get an advice from the App Solar Consult:

Step 1 : Hold the iPhone/iPad against the roof to determine the efficiency of solar panels depending of the angle and orientation.

Step 2 : Check the map with the top view of the location and determine the solar irradiation in your region. On a country map, you can see the solar irradiation of your country. You can also enter a different address or country.

Step 3 : Enter the size of the roof and the App can give you an advice with the maximum number of solar panels that can be installed. You can select a different type of solar panel (this is step 4 on the iPhone).

Step 4 (only iPad) : In addition to the advice of the app, the user can customize the system (4th tab). In case of a skylight or chimney, the user can differ from the advice. This screen is also available in the sidemenu on the iPhone.

Step 5 : Choose tab 5 and enter your details. You can mail the project to your own address or to a supplier for a request.



What's New

The basic user can calculate in 4 steps an advice with the tabs at the bottom of the screen or request for help from a professional (in step 5). At the top left is a Side Menu available for the professional which lists the extra features.

New is the ability to display an East-West setup. On a flat roof fits 50% more panels in an East-West alignment. For each panel is the output 10% less, but the total output of the roof is 37% higher than the traditional setup to the sun.

The app displays the view of the setup on the roof. New is that the angle of the panels will actually be displayed on the screen. On the iPad, the angle of the panel can be adjusted with a slider and on a flat roof, the angle and the amount of shade behind the panel (in a traditional setup to the sun) will be animated. If a setup does not fit on the roof, it will be displayed in red.

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  • Cracker/Uploader: THE DUCHESS
    Date: 2016-02-19 16:33 Version:5.0
  • Cracker/Uploader: THE DUCHESS
    Date: 2016-02-19 16:33 Version:5.0
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Sander Haanappel
38.4 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.