Sound Record Event

Price: $1.69


Fang Shen
10.1 or later


When the device is locked or when we are listening the Apple Music, in the background status,at the indicted time, the App will start recording the sound

In this edition, when we tap the start button, after the job view is displayed, we could lock the device or press the home key to use other App, such as Apple Music.

As a result, when the device is locked or when we are listening the Apple Music, at the indict time, the recording job will start.

This app includes six kinds of sound recorder. The one time event sound recorder could record the sound at the specific time. The interval event sound recorder could start to record the sound every interval minutes. The every hour event sound record could record the sound at the indicted minutes every hour. The every day event sound record could record the sound at the indicted hour and minute every day. The every week event sound recorder could record the sound at the indicted week day and at the indicted hour and minutes.

When we need to run all the sound recorders, just tap the start button from the main view. If we need to run one of the sound recorder, for example, the every hour event sound recorder only , then tap the every hour event button, then tap the start button at the bottom tools bar, so start the every hour event sound recorder only.

Export the sound files: use iTune File Sharing. or use Email or iCloud. In the file list, select the sound file , tap the Email button , or tap to iCloud button.

Basic Usage:

When we first launch this app, its database is empty.So we need to add our own event first.

Step 1: decide which kinds of sound recorder we need to add. For example, if we want to add a every hour event sound recorder, so we tap the Every Hour Event button, then we will view the Every Hour Event Sound Recorder list, at first , the list is empty.

Step 2: tap the add button at the bottom of the view, after that, we will see the every hour event view. In this view, we could pick which minute the sound recorder will start. Then select the duration of the recording. After that, Tap the save button at the upper left corner. At last, we will see one row in the every hour event list. And tap the start button, we will see the job list of recording sound in the next 24 hours.

Advanced Usage:

In the main view, beside the event button, is the status button of the event. For example, if the button on the right side of Every hour event button is ON, then every hour sound recorder event is alive. When we tap the start button, the alive event will run. If the status button is OFF, then every hour sound recorder is sleep. When we tap the start button in the main view, the every hour sound recorder event will run.

About the interruption from incoming phone call or Siri. In iOS 12, when the App is running in the background status, or when the App is recording in the background status, a phone call is incoming, then, the recording job will be stopped, after the incoming phone call is finished, in many cases, the App still could run in the background and start to record in the next indict time. In iOS 10.1, when the App is running in the background status, or when the App is recording in the background status, a phone call is incoming, then, the background job will be always stopped. After finish the phone call, we need to launch this App again.



What's New

New: export the sound file to icloud drive. In the file list ( play record sound view), select the file we want to export, then tap the button: To iCould in the bottom tool bar. After the view is displayed, select the iCloud Drive item.
Fix the bugs about the stop button at the top left corner of the job list view.

  • Download

  • Cracker/Uploader: telefonbuch
    Date: 2019-03-02 7:46 Version:2.9.2  For iOS 11 For iOS 10 
  • Cracker/Uploader: telefonbuch
    Date: 2019-03-02 7:46 Version:2.9.2  For iOS 11 For iOS 10 
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Fang Shen
10.1 or later