/* Localizable.strings AppCake Created by AppCake on 15/8/28. Copyright (c) 2015 AppCake All rights reserved. */ "AppCake Update" = "AppCake Update"; "Not Now" = "Not Now"; "Enter a custom torrent address" = "Add Torrent or Magnet URL"; "Import Path:%@"="Import Path:%@"; "Previous Versions" = "Previous Versions"; "Remove metadata"="Remove metadata"; "Remove Metadata will stop App Store from updating the app"="Remove Metadata will stop App Store from updating the app"; "install \"%@\"?"="install \"%@\"?"; "yonghufankuirp"="User feedback reply"; "reply"="Reply"; "please waiting"="Your feedback is received"; "has reply"="Has reply"; "error"="Error"; "peleaseinput"="Feedback is empty?"; "FAQList"="FAQ List"; "resume"="RESUME"; "stop"="STOP"; "oldIpas"="Old ipas"; "wifiFileTransfer"="WiFi File Transfer"; "WIFI share server started. You can import/export files by visit %@ in the browser of your computer"="WIFI share server started. You can import/export files by visit %@ in the browser of your computer"; "We can not create the download folder, have you installed afc2add in Cydia?"="We can not create the download folder, have you installed afc2add in Cydia?"; "Open Cydia"="Open in Cydia"; "delete"="Delete"; "AppManagement"="App Management"; "about"="About AppCake"; "Uninstall"="Uninstall"; "Export"="Export ipa"; "version: %@"="Version: %@"; "Export %@ success Path %@"="Exported %@ to %@"; "Import Manager"="Import Manager"; "AppStore"="AppStore"; "longwords"="Too many words"; "shortwords"="Please try with less words"; "more"="More"; "loading..."="Loading..."; "AppCake"="AppCake"; "Featured"="Featured"; "wanci"="0K DL"; "tuijian"="Featured"; "zhuanti"="Collections"; "paihang"="Charts"; "youxipaihang"="Popular"; "New free"="New Release"; "Required"="Essential"; "leixing"="Category"; "gong%@kuan%@"="%@ %@"; "yingyong"="Apps"; "youxi"="Games"; "liuxing"="Trend"; "Weekly Top"="Popular"; "zongpaihang"="Overall Top"; "yingyongxiangqing"="Detail"; "description"="Description"; "dajiasou"="Discover"; "wosouguo"="History"; "shuruguanjianzi"="Search..."; "get"="GET"; "inst"="INSTALL"; "open"="OPEN"; "update"="UPDATE"; "inIns"="Installing"; "downloading"="Downloading"; "downloadUpdate"="Update"; "downloadFinish"="Downloaded"; "meiyouruanjian"="No Apps Yet"; "bangdingappID"="Save Apple ID"; "xitongxiaoxi"="Notice"; "shezhi"="Settings"; "2g/3g/4g"="Mobile Network Alert"; "autoInstall"="Install after download"; "autoDelete"="Delete after installed"; "clear cache"="Clear Cache"; "clean"="Clean"; "yonghufankui"="User Feedback"; "fasong"="Send"; "close"="Close"; "InputFeedBack"="Please leave your feedback (English Only)"; "noInternet"="No Internet Connection"; "ok"="OK"; "off-line"="Your device is not connected to Internet?"; "youwwan"="Using Mobile Network"; "doyouopenwwan"="Continue to download with Cellular data?"; "cancel"="Cancel"; "whatsnew"="What's New"; "message"="Information"; "vendor"="Seller"; "category"="Category"; "update date"="Update date"; "DateFormat"="MM-dd-yyyy"; "version"="Version"; "size"="Size"; "compatibility"="Compatibility"; "maxWordCount"="Warning!"; "inputworldlessthan"="Your input is less than"; "words"="Words"; "cleaning"="Cleaning"; "noReturn"="No results"; "noResults"="No result is found, please try again"; "success"="Success"; "fail"="Fail"; "install"="Install"; "tankyou"="Thank you!"; "waiting"="WAITING"; "MJRefreshHeaderIdleText"="Pull to refresh"; "MJRefreshHeaderPullingText"="Release to refresh"; "MJRefreshHeaderRefreshingText"="Loading..."; "MJRefreshAutoFooterIdleText"="Pull to load more"; "MJRefreshAutoFooterRefreshingText"="Loading..."; "MJRefreshAutoFooterNoMoreDataText"="No more entries"; "MJRefreshBackFooterIdleText"="Load more"; "MJRefreshBackFooterPullingText"="Load more after release"; "MJRefreshBackFooterRefreshingText"="Loading more ..."; "MJRefreshBackFooterNoMoreDataText"="Loaded finish"; "today"="HH:mm"; "jintian"="Today"; "jinnian"="MM-dd: HH:mm"; //not this year "allDate"="MM-dd-yyy HH:mm"; "lastUpdate"="Last update:"; "lastUpdateNo"="Not Available"; "New games" = "New games"; "Downloading" = "Downloading"; "Search" = "Search"; "Torrent Download First" = "Prefer Torrent Download"; "download start" = "Download started"; "We can not create the download folder, have you installed afc2add in Cydia?" = "We can not create the download folder, have you installed afc2add in Cydia?"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Error" = "Error"; "Open Cydia" = "Open Cydia"; "Torrent Download Only In Wi-Fi" = "Torrent Download Only In Wi-Fi"; "Torrent Bandwidth&Connection" = "Torrent Bandwidth&Connection"; "Torrent" = "Torrent"; "Download"="Download"; "Did you install AppSync? It's required to install cracked apps. Get it from our repo: cydia.iphonecake.com" = "Did you install AppSync? It's required to install cracked apps. Get it from our repo: cydia.iphonecake.com"; "Corrupted IPA File" = "Corrupted IPA File"; "The downloaded IPA file appears to be corrupted, please try download again in a good WiFi network, or report to us to re-upload the file." = "The downloaded IPA file appears to be corrupted, please try download again in a good WiFi network, or report to us to re-upload the file."; "Export fail" = "Export fail"; "Download and Install" = "Download and Install"; "Downloading..." = "Downloading..."; "Download Failed. Tap to Retry" = "Download Failed. Tap to Retry"; "Install Failed. Tap to Retry" = "Install Failed. Tap to Retry"; "Installing..." = "Installing..."; "AppCake Update Available" = "AppCake Update Available"; "Changelog" = "Changelog"; "Restart" = "Restart"; "Confirm" = "Confirm"; "AppCake updates failed. You can update from Cydia. \nNOTE: If you didn't install AppCake from our official Repo (cydia.iphonecake.com), you need to remove the older version before installing the update." = "AppCake updates failed. You can update from Cydia. \nNOTE: If you didn't install AppCake from our official Repo (cydia.iphonecake.com), you need to remove the older version before installing the update."; "Special" = "Collection"; "Charts" = "Charts"; "New free"="New Release"; "Required"="Essential"; "I Can Translate" = "I Can Translate"; "Language" = "Language"; "Apps" = "Apps"; "Games" = "Games"; "Manage" = "Manage"; "AppCake needs to restart SpringBoard to finish the update." = "AppCake needs to restart SpringBoard to finish the update."; "Respring" = "Respring"; "This app is not supported by your device, for example maybe you are installing iPad only app on iPhone." = "This app is not supported by your device, for example maybe you are installing iPad only app on iPhone."; "Compatibility Error" = "Compatibility Error"; "Leave your feedback, English ONLY please." = "Leave your feedback, English ONLY please."; "Your feedback content is too short" = "Your feedback content is too short"; "Ignored" = "Ignored"; "Ignore" = "Ignore"; "Update all" = "Update all"; "Ignore all" = "Ignore all"; "IGNORE" = "IGNORE"; "CANCEL" = "CANCEL"; "Cellular now" = "Cellular now"; "WiFi now" = "WiFi now"; "No Network" = "No Network"; "Use the \"Watch\" button on app detail page to watch an app." = "Use the \"Watch\" button on app detail page to watch an app."; "Watchlist" = "Watchlist"; "Watch Success" = "Watch Success"; "Unwatch Success" = "Unwatch Success"; "There is no previous version!" = "There is no previous version!"; "Unwatch" = "Unwatch"; "Watch" = "Watch"; "Details" = "Details"; "Installation success" = "Installation success"; "Torrent download start" = "Torrent download start"; "you can check it in torrent management and turn off Torrent Download in Settings" = "you can check it in torrent management and turn off Torrent Download in Settings"; "Torrent Management" = "Torrent Management"; "Top Apps" = "Top Apps"; "Top Games" = "Top Games"; "See all" = "See all"; "AppCake will exit and restart SpringBoard shortly" = "AppCake will exit and restart SpringBoard shortly"; "Server error" = "Server error";